Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fourth Chakra

The fourth Chakra is the heart Chakra, known in sandskrit as Anahata. Anahata is usually represented by the color green, and is related to the element air. Anahata is located in the heart and chest area. Its Yantra symbol is a green lotus flower with twelve petals. On the inside, there is an intersection of two triangles, representing the union between males and females. Anahata represents love, compassion, kindness, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and hope. When it is unbalanced, it can cause grief, heartache, jealousy, sadness, lonelyness, resentment, depression, cardiovascular problems, and fear. When it is balanced it makes one able to give and recieve love, and it gives one a sense of wholeness. One of the postures that represents Anahata is the camel pose. ( Foods that fuel Anahata are leafy greens and vegetables such as; spinach, kale, dandelion greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, and squash. (

Third Chakra

The third Chakra is related with the Solar plexus, known in sandskrit as Manipura. Manipura is generally related with the color yellow, and its element is fire. It is located at the spine directly behind the naval. Its Yantra symbol is usually shown as having ten petals, with an orange triangle in the center to represent fire. Manipura represents power and strength. When Manipura is unbalanced, it can cause low self-esteem, lack of belief in self, nagging doubt, the inability to make decisions, a lack of vitality for living, and a lack of generosity for all. When it is balanced, it will help transform pain into meaning, and makes one feel special and confident. Manipura is astrologically connected with Venus. ( The presiding deities of Manipura are Vishnu, representing human conscience, evolution, and fire, and Lakshmi, representing prosperity, and happiness. (

Second Chakra

The Second Chakra is the sacral Chakra, known in sandscrit as Svadhisthana.Svadhisthana is usually represented by the color orange, and is generally associated with the element water, soft and supple. The Yantra symbol is depicted in an orange six petaled lotus flower. The crescent moon in the center represents water. Svadhisthana represents the emotional flow. It is related with sexuality, intimacy, and desire. When it is unbalanced, it causes fear of change, intimacy, or pleasure. When Svadhisthana is balanced, it causes peace and pleasure. The flower essences of Svadhisthana are the Indian Paintbrush, the Lady's Slipper, and the Hibiscus. ( Balancing crystals related with Svadhisthana are amber, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, coral, danburite, diamond, garnet, moonstone, gold, opal, pearl, peridot, quartz, ruby, selenite, tigers eye, wulfenite, and zircon. (

First Chakra

The first Chakra, or energy center of the body is the Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara in the sandscrit language. It is generally related with the color red. It is usually associated with the element earth because it is the densest grade of manifestation. Its Yantra symbol is described in a yellow square surrounded by a red lotus flower. Muladhara is usually associated with safety and one's foundation of identity. When one's Muladhara is off balance, it will make a person feel alone and have low self esteem. When Muladhara is balanced, a person will feel happy with who they are and confident.Root vegetables, protein-rich foods, and hot, peppery spices fuel Muladhara. ( To perform aromatherapy, one must inhale pure essential oils that are sweet, earthy, and grounding. (