Monday, October 18, 2010

Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is the "Crown Chakra", known in sandskrit as Sahasrara. It represents all the colors. Its element is the supermental higher conciousness. It is located on the crown, or top of the head. Its yantra symbol is described with one thousand multi-colored petals which are arranged in twenty layers, with fifty petals per layer. The inside is golden with a downward facing triangle. It is associated with direct communication through our divine source. ( When Sahasrara is unbalanced it can lead to one being catatonic or joyless. One may feel cut off from the world and universe. It can cause headaches and migraines, frustration, destructive behavior, and unorganization. When it is balanced, one will feel very connected. ( The deity represented by this chakra is Shri Kalki. A posture that one can do to improve their Sahasrara is childs pose.

Sixth Chakra

The sixth Chakra, is known as the "third eye" chakra, or in sandskrit as Ajna. It is usually shown with the color purple. It represents the element of light, and electricity. It is located on the brow, right in between the two eyes. Ajna's Yantra symbol has two petals and a triangle in the middle representing thought. Ajna is usually associated with the aura of the human body. It represents the feminine aspects of human energy, and opens the door to perception. It shows will, vision, dynamic thought, and intuition. ( When Ajna is unbalanced, it can cause physical problems such as headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning disabilities, panic depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, ans spinal dysfunctions. It can also cause psycological and emotional problems such as; judgement, evaluation, concept of reality, confusion, fear of truth, and lack of discipline and concentration. When Ajna is balanced, it can provide the ability to think reality into existence, imagination, intuition, concentration, and focus. The balancing crystals relating to this Chakra are amethyst, moonstone, and sugilite. ( The astrological sign for Ajna is Aquarius.

Fifth Chakra

The Fifth Chakra is known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, or as the throat Chakra. It is usually represented by the color blue. The element related with it is Aether, or heaven. It is located in the neck and throat region. The Yantra symbol represents a sixteen petaled lotus, with a sky blue triangle center, and the element akasha in the center. Vishuddha represents the expression of oneself, working towards communicating one's will, honesty and choice, freedom of expression, integrity, and creativity. ( When unbalanced, one will be dishonest with themselves and others. When balanced, it is easy for one to be truthful and honest. Essential oils relating to Vishuddha are aniseed, blue chamomile, cypress, tea tree, lavender, sandalwood, neroli, and clary sage. ( Flower Essences that represent Vishuddha are; cosmos, trumpet vine, and larch. (