Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Third Chakra

The third Chakra is related with the Solar plexus, known in sandskrit as Manipura. Manipura is generally related with the color yellow, and its element is fire. It is located at the spine directly behind the naval. Its Yantra symbol is usually shown as having ten petals, with an orange triangle in the center to represent fire. Manipura represents power and strength. When Manipura is unbalanced, it can cause low self-esteem, lack of belief in self, nagging doubt, the inability to make decisions, a lack of vitality for living, and a lack of generosity for all. When it is balanced, it will help transform pain into meaning, and makes one feel special and confident. Manipura is astrologically connected with Venus. ( The presiding deities of Manipura are Vishnu, representing human conscience, evolution, and fire, and Lakshmi, representing prosperity, and happiness. (

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