Monday, October 18, 2010

Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is the "Crown Chakra", known in sandskrit as Sahasrara. It represents all the colors. Its element is the supermental higher conciousness. It is located on the crown, or top of the head. Its yantra symbol is described with one thousand multi-colored petals which are arranged in twenty layers, with fifty petals per layer. The inside is golden with a downward facing triangle. It is associated with direct communication through our divine source. ( When Sahasrara is unbalanced it can lead to one being catatonic or joyless. One may feel cut off from the world and universe. It can cause headaches and migraines, frustration, destructive behavior, and unorganization. When it is balanced, one will feel very connected. ( The deity represented by this chakra is Shri Kalki. A posture that one can do to improve their Sahasrara is childs pose.

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