Monday, October 18, 2010

Sixth Chakra

The sixth Chakra, is known as the "third eye" chakra, or in sandskrit as Ajna. It is usually shown with the color purple. It represents the element of light, and electricity. It is located on the brow, right in between the two eyes. Ajna's Yantra symbol has two petals and a triangle in the middle representing thought. Ajna is usually associated with the aura of the human body. It represents the feminine aspects of human energy, and opens the door to perception. It shows will, vision, dynamic thought, and intuition. ( When Ajna is unbalanced, it can cause physical problems such as headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning disabilities, panic depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, ans spinal dysfunctions. It can also cause psycological and emotional problems such as; judgement, evaluation, concept of reality, confusion, fear of truth, and lack of discipline and concentration. When Ajna is balanced, it can provide the ability to think reality into existence, imagination, intuition, concentration, and focus. The balancing crystals relating to this Chakra are amethyst, moonstone, and sugilite. ( The astrological sign for Ajna is Aquarius.

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